ÌÇÐÄÊÓƵlogo is undertaking a major construction project to redevelop our Administration Building. This page contains updates for parents and visitors about site access changes throughout the construction period. Any changes to student or staff access will be shared with parents, carers, and staff to ensure suitable and safe access is maintained to our College and School site at all times.
To accommodate this redevelopment, we have relocated our Reception Office, Student Window, and Sick Bay, now all located in A Block.
The previous Administration building has now been fenced off and is a construction zone under the oversight of Reitsma. Please do not enter this construction zone if you are not authorised by the building company or project manager.
Please see the map below for safe thoroughfare to the Reception Office and Student Window.
Directional Signage is displayed throughout the Campus to show students safe walking routes to their classrooms. Please note this will change as construction progresses.
Traffic Wardens will be on duty during peak periods to supervise the movement of students and vehicles. Please follow their instructions at all times.
Students travelling on BUSES must use the covered walkway when walking to or from buses and must not use the car park.
Please refer to the map below outlining safe walking routes throughout the campus.
Primary Students will be walked from their classrooms to either the Kiss and Drop Zone 3 (K-2 and Yattalunga Valley Christian School), or to the front of the MPC (above P1). Parents are requested to wait in these areas until students are brought down by their teachers.
The Uniform Shop can be accessed via the stairs off Canteen Road adjacent to the Multi-Purpose Centre, then continue up past and behind C Block, as depicted below. Please follow signage located around the Campus.
Mail and small parcels: Please deliver direct to Reception. This is marked as Admin Office on the site map below.
Large Parcels: Please call Brian Shaw on 0404 478 341 or Justin Turner on 0404 472 760.
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